Thursday, September 10, 2015

Meet season is coming up!

Here are some Competition essentials!

These are MUST haves for competition day! Throw these things in your bag either the night before or the day of, and you'll never go wrong!

1.) Nail-polish remover and cotton balls!

If your like me and often forget to take off that bright pink nail polish before competition morning, throw a small container of nail-polish remover and cotton balls in your bag. Because even though you might remember to take it off one or your teammates might not!

2.) snacks

Its very important to have a big breakfast and/or lunch before this big day, this is not a good day to skip eating. But if you woke up late and rushing like crazy to get ready, wouldn't it be nice too have some snacks already in your bag. Here are some go to easy snacks that I never leave the house without! 1.) dried fruit, it gives you that burst of sugar (and tastes really good) 2.) protein bars, great source of protein that will last you all day (a great excuse to have "healthy" chocolate) 3.) Cuties, they are like small oranges that are easy to peel (a little messy but still very yummy) 4.) trail mix, get it, got it, good ;-) lastly but not leastly (what even) 5.) beef jerk, it's an amazing pick me up after that tough event that you struggle with, gives you something to chew(and Its not gum).

3.) Gatorade/water

This is essential, because hydration is the key to success so to speak, trust me being dehydrated at a meet is No fun. I like to bring both water and gatorade that way I don't run out. Powered will work too.

4.) Bobby pins/hair ties/ hair gel or hair spray

Do not forget these, its the worst when your band breaks or you have a major hair crisis, like that bit of hair that you missed in your ponytail, theses are a must have.  I like to use hair gel because it works better for me. then hair spray and hair clips rather then bobby pins (iIpersonally HATE bobbie pins) but its whatever works best for your hair.

5.) GRIPS 

Do not forget your Grips these are essential for bars (if you have grips). If you do forget them. DON'T panic, get type and make a type grip. Here is a quick how to: Cut a piece of type measuring from the tip of your middle finger to about the middle of your forearm,then fold it over to where both sticky sides pressed together, fold it again ( it should not stick this time) then after that get something sharp to cut the type with then, cut a slit near the top of the "grip", put the over your finger and secure it with more type around your wrist.

6.) Type/ Prewrap

This is case of injury, rips or really anything, You save yourself a lot of pain and maybe even your team mates. 

7.) Tiger Paws

If your like me and have wrist issues these are a MUST have, Do not forget these, if you do there is a simple fix, take you prewrap and wrap your wrist(s) with it, then put about 3-4 layers of type on top,(the amount of type is dependent on how much support you need) the more type the more support the less type the less support. 

8.) Advil/Any other pain killers

If you often have pain (get your parents permission) make sure you throw some advil or other pain medication in your bag for quick pain relief.

9.) Pads/Tampons

These are literally a MUST have for all you "teen" girls out there, Throw 2 or 3 in your bag and never be embarrassed again! (trust me on this one)

10.) a change of clothes

It never fails that after a meet your parents want to take you out to eat to celebrate that gold metal you won or your teammates want to head out and celebrate your win. So bring a change of clothes, no one enjoys having to sit that a Leo for 4 hours (or even 8) so bring a change of clothes. 

This isn't a MUST have but its still a good idea, bring a small notebook to writ down your scores so you can hold on to those empress forever. Well thats it you are now completion ready, I'm sure you'll do great :-) so good luck and let me know how your competition goes in the comments below, also let me know if i missed any Must haves! See you all again soon, but for now this is Hope Borsic signing  off have a great weekend and an AWESOME competition season. (I need to work on how to end these)

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